Day 4: Coal's Connection to Society Gallery Walk
Lesson Plan - Coal's Connection to Society Gallery Walk
Students will:
- Listen to an informative presentation on coal’s various influence on society
- Practice critical thinking
- Work in teams to respond to controversial statements about coal’s relation to society
- Practice how to come to a consensus/compromise so each team member agrees with the group’s response.
- Summary with references on societal issues related to coal
- Teacher produced lecture on societal issues
- 8 manila folders
- 32 sheets of loose leaf paper
- Gallery Walk questions
- Computer with projector (only for teacher produced presentation)
- CONSOL Energy: Mining Process
- Centralia, PA, coal fire
- YouTube video
-, Life After People, Extended Scenes - Videos Removed
-, A Modern Ghost Town - Videos Removed
- Hulu, The Town That Was (full movie)
List of Resources
- Annual Energy Review
- Billinger, Robert D. Pennsylvania's Coal Industry. Gettysburg: Pennsylvania Historical Association, 1954.
- Bureau of Labor Statistics (2007). Coal Mining.
- Bureau of Labor Statistics (2009). Mining.
- Bureau of Labor Statistics (2009). Power Plant Operators.
- Clean Coal Technologies
- Coal Combustion Products (2001)
- Sierra Club - Beyond Coal
- Coal Market and Pricing (2009)
- Coal Production in the U.S.
- Coal Resources
- Coal Technologies (2009)
- Coal Transportation (1999)
- Coal Tree from USGS (2003)
- Coal Utilization Byproduct Research (2006) - Clean Coal Research
- Edmunds, William E. Coal in Pennsylvania. Harrisburg: Pennsylvania Geologic Survey Fourth Series, 2002.
- Energy Information Administration (2009)
- Francek, M. (2008), Gallery Walk Overview
- Harter, Walter. Coal: The Rock that Burns. New York: Nelson Books, 1979.
- National Mining Association. Coal.
- NIOSH Mining Safety and Health Research
- Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. Quecreek Mining Accident.
- Source Watch (2009). Coal and Jobs in the United States.
- Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977
- U.S. Coal Supply and Demand
- U.S. Department of Energy (2009). Fossil Energy Study Guide:Coal.
- What is Coal Ash?