January 2015 PAESTAR
This month, we recognize Erin Kraal, a geologist and planetary scientist at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, for her interdisciplinary and innovative approaches to instructing students and teachers. For the past four years, Erin has her introductory-level planetary science students create ‘Telescopic Topics.’ She scaffolds activities for the students through the semester where they select a topic on planetary science, work with the science reference librarian, visit the writing center, and record their podcast at the campus student radio station, with the top podcasts then aired on campus radio. Erin is also a co-coordinator and founder of a week-long summer institute at Kutztown for K-12 educators that explores the integration of art and science across the curriculum, integrating trips outdoors and to museums with studio art instruction and 3-D printing to enhance disciplinary connections.
Congratulations, Erin - you clearly are a PAESTAR!