Ocean Acidification - The Other Carbon Dioxide Problem
This video contains closed captioning and some excellent images that will help students visualize the impacts of ocean acidification on organisms, such as pteropods, and the chemistry behind ocean acidification. The video also includes information on how scientists collect the data and are able to document the shell mineral availability in the ocean. This video is useful to show at the beginning of a unit on ocean acidification, as a component on issues/challenges faced in/by our oceans, or during a discussion on the impacts of increasing CO2 levels.
Additional videos on ocean acidification exist, such as NRDC's documentary Acid Test: The Global Challenge of Ocean Acidification (21 min), Pew's What Is Ocean Acidification? | A Cartoon Crash Course (2 min), and the California Academy of Science's Demystifying ocean acidification and biodiversity impacts (12 min). Rob Dunbar's TED Talk addresses ocean acidification by Discovering ancient climates in oceans and ice (18 min).